Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Visceral Response

      Over the past few days, we have been going over why and how design/art can create a feeling of beauty inside us. In most cases, many things speak to many different people. For me, I love to take pictures of places and experiences I have had. For instance, take into consideration the photo above.
     Over the past 6 years, I have had the pleasure of being part of the Army's Bravo Battery 2/222 Field Artillery and have had some amazing experiences. When I look at this picture, I am reliving that moment. I can hear the hydraulics spooling up and can hear the crew yelling commands as they prep the howitzer to fire. Looking at this picture, I can feel the concussion of the blast and the overwhelming smell of gun powder. On the other hand, I feel like you can appreciate this picture without having experienced it because it is visually stimulating as well.
   From a visual design perspective, I can see many different stimulating characteristics.

Line: Looking at this picture I can tell that the lines attract your attention to the top left of the frame. The soldier in the bottom left corner is looking towards the top left as well as the orientation of the Paladin, howitzer muzzle and the actual artillery round that is coming out of the barrel.

Form: In this picture, form is depth as well as height and width.

Color: One of the first things I noticed was the bright flame in front of the dark sky. Orange and Blue are complementary colors and it makes the contrast between the two pop. There is also a heavy contrast between the light and the dark.

Space: The space in this picture is vast. The only reference point in this picture past the explosion are the mountains in the distance. There is a vast amount of space in this picture.

Texture: The light and the dark in the grass give the picture texture. You can also see the grass under the muzzle blast is flattened to the ground which makes the grass behind it pop and seem taller.

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